In a difficult economy, finding nutritious and economical food choices for your loved ones is a top priority.
Buying local produce not only stimulates the economy of your community, but is a great way to find more cost efficient and healthful food. The closer your food source is to your home the cheaper its processing costs and the higher its nutritional content.
Better still, you can shave off a few extra dollars (which have a wonderful habit of adding up to great savings!) by focusing your money on produce that must be purchased organic to help preserve your families health, and scrimping on those that are produced with low to no pesticides because of their structure or the way conventional farming methods raise them.
TheDailyGreen was kind enough to put together a list of the USDA's pesticide ratings for all of us that seek a cleaner, more organic diet.
You can read their findings (and tweak your grocery list) by clicking the link below.
The New Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods to Eat Organic